Women's Golf Association of Metropolitan Indianapolis
the longest running golf championship for women in Marion and surrounding counties
2014 Ulen CC
Tournament Winners
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Board of Directors
The WGAMI Board of Directors consists of five officers. Each year at the annual member meeting held during the winter months, one new member is elected to the board as the new Secretary. The previous Secretary becomes Treasurer, the Treasurer becomes the Vice President and the Vice President becomes the President, the President becomes the Immediate Past President. An officer must have played in at least one championship to be eligible to hold office. Being on the Board is a wonderful opportunity to serve the golfing community and lead this organization. If you would like more information about serving on the board, please email Beth Orsay.
Responsibilities of the board of directors:
President - preside at all meetings of WGAMI and the Board of Directors, supervise the championship.
Vice President - perform the duties of the President in her absence, attend to publicity for the championship, maintain a scrapbook and perform any other duties requested by the President with conducting the championship.
Treasurer - collect all sums due WGAMI, keep a list of all entrants in the championship, give in writing a full report to the Members at the Annual Meeting showing all receipts and expenditures.
Secretary - take minutes at every WGAMI meeting throughout the year, keep a list of all Members.
Immediate Past President - serve as a advisor to the current President and other board members.